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Latvian Nazi Officals Dagger by Eickhorn

Extremely rare example of an original Latvian dagger. These rarely come to market and this one is in great condition. The fittings are all gilded and this features a perfect striated celluliod grip with the correct impressed burnished details. The double fullered blade is maker marked by Eickhorn. It shows some plating lifting toward the hilt but it is full length and unsharpened. The scabbard is leather based with internal blade retention spings and two decorative scribed lines on both sides. The leather is sewn together at the reverse. This was purchased from a Wa. State Veteran's daughter by me.

Rating:    Exc++
Item Number:    GO-8575

Latvian Nazi Officals Dagger by Eickhorn Latvian Nazi Officals Dagger by Eickhorn Latvian Nazi Officals Dagger by Eickhorn Latvian Nazi Officals Dagger by Eickhorn Latvian Nazi Officals Dagger by Eickhorn Latvian Nazi Officals Dagger by Eickhorn Latvian Nazi Officals Dagger by Eickhorn Latvian Nazi Officals Dagger by Eickhorn Latvian Nazi Officals Dagger by Eickhorn Latvian Nazi Officals Dagger by Eickhorn

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