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Army/SS Dagger Portepee

Wehrmacht Heer (WH) Dolch Portepee für Offiziere. They are constructed out of a wood and white cotton string base that are wrapped in flat and rolled silver-aluminum thread. These are approximately 42cm in length. We sell these all the time and keeping a picture of the exact one you will get is difficult. These are all original in nice shape with minor age . If you require a picture please email us. All are complete pre-1945 manufactured and with no to minimal frays.

Note: This particular portepee is correct for Army daggers and Chained SS daggers. Although not "textbook" is often seen used on Land Customs daggers, Postal, Red Cross leaders, Navy and 1st model Luftwaffe daggers.

Rating:    Exc++
Item Number:    PT-7078
Price:    $219.95 USD

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Army/SS Dagger Portepee Army/SS Dagger Portepee Army/SS Dagger Portepee Army/SS Dagger Portepee Army/SS Dagger Portepee Army/SS Dagger Portepee Army/SS Dagger Portepee Army/SS Dagger Portepee Army/SS Dagger Portepee Army/SS Dagger Portepee

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