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Early Gottlieb Hammesfahr SS Dagger

Here's a great example with a two piece hanger! The blade on this one looks great! The fit is perfect, the tip looks great, the crossgrain is stunning and the dark, original, matte, black, burnished motto and maker mark are beautifully executed! The blade rates an Exc+/Exc++. It has age grey and minor spotting throughout. The blade perfectly fits the crossguard. The black anodized scabbard looks great and is smooth to the touch! The majority of the finish is lost to time, but where it remains it appears that a vertical hanger would have protected it. The scabbard is completely dent-free. The fittings are all nickel and fit well. They are worn and have spotting throughout. All of the screws remain intact and the ball looks good too, just a small bump to the very bottom. The scabbard/crossguard fits perfectly with a snap! All the angles are correct. The crossguards and pommel nut look great, and are only lightly worn matching the color of the fittings. The reverse of the lower crossguard is district stamped "III" (Berlin). The stamp is low, and you are not able to see the lower lines of the I's but nothing to worry about. The grip is a nice died hardwood variety with normal small hits and bruises we expect to see on original examples. I say that, and there are no cracks or damage other than normal wear. The eagle is a correct nickel version with great burnishing! The SS roundel retains 100% of its enamel. Finally, this one includes a ONE piece short hanger that is in great condition. I know the pics show a two piece but the loop is not included. Overall this one rates a conservative Exc+/Exc++

Rating:    Exc+/Exc++
Item Number:    SS-5478

Early Gottlieb Hammesfahr SS Dagger Early Gottlieb Hammesfahr SS Dagger Early Gottlieb Hammesfahr SS Dagger Early Gottlieb Hammesfahr SS Dagger Early Gottlieb Hammesfahr SS Dagger Early Gottlieb Hammesfahr SS Dagger Early Gottlieb Hammesfahr SS Dagger Early Gottlieb Hammesfahr SS Dagger Early Gottlieb Hammesfahr SS Dagger Early Gottlieb Hammesfahr SS Dagger

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