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RAD EM/NCO Cap Badge by OCL 1939

Reichsarbeitsdienst Mützen Abzeichen für Mannschaften und Unterführer by Overhoff & Cie. Lüdenscheid 1939. It is constructed out of a die struck aluminum/cupal base that has been silver washed and contains black and red enamel paint work. The obverse features the RAD emblem, which consists of: a black mobile swastika in front of a spade shovel head (that is outlined in red) and is above two outward pointing wheat sheaths. The fullback reverse is maker marked “OCL Ges. RADL Gesch.”. One of two crimped-on tombak round wire pins remain intact. It measures 1 ¾ inches wide by 1 ½ inches tall. A rare and desirable maker.

Rating:    Exc+
Item Number:    CB-37891
Price:    $44.95 USD

RAD EM/NCO Cap Badge by OCL 1939 RAD EM/NCO Cap Badge by OCL 1939 RAD EM/NCO Cap Badge by OCL 1939 RAD EM/NCO Cap Badge by OCL 1939 RAD EM/NCO Cap Badge by OCL 1939 RAD EM/NCO Cap Badge by OCL 1939 RAD EM/NCO Cap Badge by OCL 1939 RAD EM/NCO Cap Badge by OCL 1939 RAD EM/NCO Cap Badge by OCL 1939 RAD EM/NCO Cap Badge by OCL 1939

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