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Diplomatic Official’s Uniform Button by Assmann

Diplomatisches Korps Knöpfe für Uniformen by Assmann & Söhne Lüdenscheid. Constructed out of a three-piece stamped nickel-silver/steel base that has been silver washed. The round shaped obverse features a Diplomatic style eagle with outstretched wings, clutching a wreathed mobile swastika in its talons, slightly above two oak leaf and acorn clusters all on a textured background and smooth border. The reverse is maker marked: “A”, “Assmann & Söhne Lüdenscheid” and features round wire loop to the center flanked by a slightly angled recesses to both sides and in exterior crimped edge. Aged speckled silver. Nice embossing. It measures 7/8 of an inch in diameter. Being sold individually, it is my choice which one you get. Came in a recent lot of new old stock.

Rating:    Exc++
Item Number:    Button-37845
Price:    $24.95 USD

Diplomatic Official’s Uniform Button by Assmann Diplomatic Official’s Uniform Button by Assmann Diplomatic Official’s Uniform Button by Assmann Diplomatic Official’s Uniform Button by Assmann Diplomatic Official’s Uniform Button by Assmann Diplomatic Official’s Uniform Button by Assmann Diplomatic Official’s Uniform Button by Assmann Diplomatic Official’s Uniform Button by Assmann Diplomatic Official’s Uniform Button by Assmann Diplomatic Official’s Uniform Button by Assmann

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