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TeNo Cufftitle

Technische Nothilfe Ärmelstreifen. TeNo personnel were issued with one of two distinctive cufftitles with one cufftitle being worked in bright silver/aluminum threads for wear on the field-grey service tunic and the other cufftitle worked in matte silvery/grey threads for wear on the fatigue and work tunic. It is constructed out of a BeVo woven matte grey and black cotton threads. The obverse features in grey Gothic style script: “Technische Nothilfe”, bordered to the top and bottom with a grey line on a black background. The reverse features the typical loose vertical threads from the weaving process, in a mirror image. It has a small rectangle of tape remanence to the left of the script. It measures 16 ¾ inches wide by 1 9/16 inches tall.

Rating:    NM
Item Number:    AB-37835
Price:    $189.95 USD

TeNo Cufftitle TeNo Cufftitle TeNo Cufftitle TeNo Cufftitle TeNo Cufftitle TeNo Cufftitle TeNo Cufftitle TeNo Cufftitle TeNo Cufftitle TeNo Cufftitle

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