Prussia - Kaiser-Wilhelm-Erinnerungsmedaille Zentenarmedaille by L. Ostermann of Berlin. Instituted March 22, 1897, by Wilhelm II, was awarded to state and university officials, all active military service men and veterans of the First Schleswig War, Second Schleswig War, Austro-Prussian War, and the Franco-Prussian War. It is constructed out of a die struck bronze (from captured Danish, Austrian and French cannons) base that has been gold gilded. The obverse depicts the right facing effigy of Wilhelm I in military uniform flanked by: “Wilhelm Der Grosse Deutsher Kaiser” (left - Wilhelm the Great German Emperor) and “Koenig Von Preussen” (right - King of Prussia). The reverse reads: “Zum Andenken An Den Hundertsten Geburtstag Des Grossen Kaisers Wilhelm I 1797-22 Maerz - 1897” (In commemoration of the hundredth birthday of the great Kaiser Wilhelm I 1797 - 22 March - 1897) and is above a state crown, imperial apple, sword and scepter all on a pillow, surrounded by laurel leaves and berries and oak leaves and acorns. To the top is a soldered-on loop and slightly crunched ring which holds 4 inches of yellow rayon ribbon. It measures 1 9/16 inches in diameter.
Rating: | Exc++/NM |
Item Number: | M-37824 |
Price: | $44.95 USD |
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