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Red Cross EM Hewer

A Model 1938 - Deutsches Rotes Kreuz Hewer für Mannschaften und Unterführer. The fullered, blunt tip, sawback blade on this one looks good. The crossgrain is easily visible and the sharp teeth to the sawback are in perfect condition. It is stamped “Ges. Geschützt.” to the obverse underneath the languet, not necessary but nice to see. The fit is perfect. The blade rates Exc+/Exc++. It shows heavy age grey throughout along with minor scratches and age spotting. The black leather buffer pad continues to remain intact. The steel based black enamel painted scabbard looks good. It has a week pressure mark to the reverse. It shows minor paint marks yet retains 97%+ paint coverage. The scabbard fittings are steel based and nickel-silver plated. Both throat retaining screws remain intact. The frog lug is slightly pushed in. The zinc-alloy based nickel-silver plated hilt looks good. There are minor green paint droplets. The oval DRK eagle and cross medallion on the crossguard has fine vaulting and nice detail. The correct bakelite checkered/smooth grip plates are in excellent condition. They are tightly secured by two steel oxidized screws. Overall, a good piece at a good price.

Rating:    Exc+/Exc++
Item Number:    RC-37818
Price:    $619.95 USD

Red Cross EM Hewer Red Cross EM Hewer Red Cross EM Hewer Red Cross EM Hewer Red Cross EM Hewer Red Cross EM Hewer Red Cross EM Hewer Red Cross EM Hewer Red Cross EM Hewer Red Cross EM Hewer

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