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Poland - Air Force 2nd Class Radio Observer Badge

Republic of Poland, c.1947-52 – Air Force 2nd Class Radio Observer Badge – “Gapa”. Introduced in the 1920s, the “Gapa” was worn on the upper left breast above the pocket, suspended by the chain. It is constructed out of a die-stamped bronze base that has been gold gilded and contains orange and black enamel work. The obverse features a flying eagle clutching three lightning bolts in its talons, and grasping a laurel crown encircling a “2” in its bill. To the top are two loops, a chain and a bent pin piece. The hollow back reverse features a soldered-on male screw back and a separate female round screw back bronze disk which is maker marked: “Mennica Panstwowa”. black enamel loss to the “2”. It measures 2 5/8 inches wide by 1 5/8 inches tall (without the chain). A great piece!

Rating:    NM
Item Number:    M-37800
Price:    $64.95 USD

Poland - Air Force 2nd Class Radio Observer Badge Poland - Air Force 2nd Class Radio Observer Badge Poland - Air Force 2nd Class Radio Observer Badge Poland - Air Force 2nd Class Radio Observer Badge Poland - Air Force 2nd Class Radio Observer Badge Poland - Air Force 2nd Class Radio Observer Badge Poland - Air Force 2nd Class Radio Observer Badge Poland - Air Force 2nd Class Radio Observer Badge Poland - Air Force 2nd Class Radio Observer Badge Poland - Air Force 2nd Class Radio Observer Badge

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