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Imperial - Two-Piece Ribbon Bar

German Empire, Imperial – Two-Piece Ribbon Bar. Assembled sometime around late-1934 for a WWI solider who performed a single act of bravery in combat and performed meritorious service behind the lines. From left to right are ribbons for:

  • 2nd Class Iron Cross 1914 (Eisernes Kreuz II. Klasse 1914, reinstituted August 5, 1914)
  • Honor Cross for Frontline Fighters with Swords (Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer mit Schwertern, instituted July 13, 1934)
    • The rayon ribbons (I believe have a Württemberg style fold) are secured to a convex alloy metal base with a stitched on grey-blue wool pad, and has the appropriate pin, hinge and catch assembly. It measures 1 3/4 inches wide by 5/8 of an inch tall.

Rating:    Exc++/NM
Item Number:    M-37796
Price:    $34.95 USD

Imperial - Two-Piece Ribbon Bar Imperial - Two-Piece Ribbon Bar Imperial - Two-Piece Ribbon Bar Imperial - Two-Piece Ribbon Bar Imperial - Two-Piece Ribbon Bar Imperial - Two-Piece Ribbon Bar Imperial - Two-Piece Ribbon Bar Imperial - Two-Piece Ribbon Bar Imperial - Two-Piece Ribbon Bar Imperial - Two-Piece Ribbon Bar

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