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Imperial - Iron Cross Ring 1914-16

Germany, WWI – Trench Art Copper Ring. Constructed out of a copper base. Obverse features a Iron Cross flanked by “14” (left) and “16” (right). No other markings. Clearly worn. Size 11 ¼.

Rating:    Exc++/NM
Item Number:    RG-37784
Price:    $79.95 USD

Imperial - Iron Cross Ring 1914-16 Imperial - Iron Cross Ring 1914-16 Imperial - Iron Cross Ring 1914-16 Imperial - Iron Cross Ring 1914-16 Imperial - Iron Cross Ring 1914-16 Imperial - Iron Cross Ring 1914-16 Imperial - Iron Cross Ring 1914-16 Imperial - Iron Cross Ring 1914-16 Imperial - Iron Cross Ring 1914-16 Imperial - Iron Cross Ring 1914-16

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