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Panzer Assault Badge in Bronze by Souval

Distributor Marked, Design V - Panzerkampfabzeichen in Bronze by Rudolf Souval of Wein. Instituted December 20, 1939, the Panzer Assault Badge was awarded to those who had either; taken part in three armored assaults in three different days, had been wounded in the course of an assault or who had earned a bravery decoration in the course of an assault. The bronze class was presented to the Panzergrenadier regiments, tank assault crew, armored reconnaissance units, and medical personnel who went into battle in armored vehicles. It is constructed out of a die struck zinc base that has been bronze washed and finished in a lacquer coating. The obverse depicts a panzer tank, above a grass field, which is beneath a national closed winged eagle clutching a mobile swastika in its talons and is all surrounded by an oval oak leaf wreath that is tied together at the bottom. The semi-full back reverse has a soldered-on sheet metal hinge that is unusual, a soldered-on round plate round wire catch and steel round wire pin. The reverse is marked with a crest distributor marking that has been observed on IABs and is featured on page 586 of DeBock’s PAB reference. Full disclosure: this badge was posted this on the GCA forum and there were a wide range of views with varied perspectives. It is Non-Textbook. It does feature the correct Rudolf Souval die flaws. It measures 2 7/16 inches tall by 1 11/16 inches wide.

Rating:    NM
Item Number:    M-37646
Price:    $399.95 USD

Panzer Assault Badge in Bronze by Souval Panzer Assault Badge in Bronze by Souval Panzer Assault Badge in Bronze by Souval Panzer Assault Badge in Bronze by Souval Panzer Assault Badge in Bronze by Souval Panzer Assault Badge in Bronze by Souval Panzer Assault Badge in Bronze by Souval Panzer Assault Badge in Bronze by Souval Panzer Assault Badge in Bronze by Souval Panzer Assault Badge in Bronze by Souval

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