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Italy - Bronze Medal of Military Valor by F.G.

Kingdom of Italy, Type II - Medaglia di bronzo al valor militare (c.1887-1943). Originally established on March 26, 1833, and on November 4, 1932, Royal Decree modified the requirements. The Bronze Medal for Military Valor was awarded to those who commit an act of bravery above the requirements of duty and honor, showing remarkable courage and initiative, at serious and manifest personal risk in war. The award of such decorations can be made, however, only when the act is such that it can in every respect be an example worthy of emulation. It is constructed out of a die stamped bronze base that has been bronze washed. The round shaped obverse features a crowned round oval House of Savoy arms surrounded by a wheat sheaf (left) and laurel leaves and berry wreath (right) flanked by “Al Valore” and “Militare” above “F.G.”. The reverse is unnamed and depicts a laurel leaf and berry wreath that is tied together at the bottom. The top has a soldered-on wire ribbon loop which holds 5 inches of blue moire ribbon. It measures approximately 1 5/16 inches in diameter.

Rating:    NM
Item Number:    M-37607
Price:    $139.95 USD

Italy - Bronze Medal of Military Valor by F.G. Italy - Bronze Medal of Military Valor by F.G. Italy - Bronze Medal of Military Valor by F.G. Italy - Bronze Medal of Military Valor by F.G. Italy - Bronze Medal of Military Valor by F.G. Italy - Bronze Medal of Military Valor by F.G. Italy - Bronze Medal of Military Valor by F.G. Italy - Bronze Medal of Military Valor by F.G. Italy - Bronze Medal of Military Valor by F.G. Italy - Bronze Medal of Military Valor by F.G.

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