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Luftshutz beaded M35 Q66 Combat Helmet

Stamped heavy sheet steel construction, M35 style helmet with the addition of an embossed horizontal "bead" positioned at the apex of the front and rear visors and crown. The helmet retains a good portion of its original dark blue satin finish with normal scuffs and minor wear. It remains dent-free. There are no decals. All three liner retaining rivets and both inset ventilation bushings are all intact. The interior of the helmet has a 7 finger civic liner with the three cork spacers intact. It is ink stamped "59". Shell is stamped with lot#,1138 to the reverse and Q66, indicating manufacture by F.W. Quist, G.m.b.H. Esslingen, size 66. to the side. Large chinstrap remains.

Rating:    Exc++
Item Number:    HE-37570
Price:    $349.95 USD

Luftshutz beaded M35 Q66 Combat Helmet Luftshutz beaded M35 Q66 Combat Helmet Luftshutz beaded M35 Q66 Combat Helmet Luftshutz beaded M35 Q66 Combat Helmet Luftshutz beaded M35 Q66 Combat Helmet Luftshutz beaded M35 Q66 Combat Helmet Luftshutz beaded M35 Q66 Combat Helmet Luftshutz beaded M35 Q66 Combat Helmet Luftshutz beaded M35 Q66 Combat Helmet Luftshutz beaded M35 Q66 Combat Helmet

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