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Romanian - Crusade Against Communism Medal

Kingdom of Romania, WWII - Medalia Cruciada împotriva comunismului. Instituted April 1, 1942, awarded to recognize the distinguished service of Romanian and other Axis Powers military and civilian personnel operating on both the Eastern and Home fronts. It is constructed out of a die stamped brass base that has been bronze washed. The obverse features a clenched fist holding a vertically pointed sword with “1941” above its crossguard, surrounded by rays, on a Greek style cross with “Cruciada Împotriva Comunismului.” around its circumference. The reverse displays the Romanian liberty symbol partially surrounded by a curved “România Recunoscătoare”. To the top is a soldered-on loop and large ring which holds 4 inches of red, yellow, blue rayon and gold bullion ribbon. The reverse has an attachment clasp. The ribbon is well worn. The medal measures 1 ¼ inches in diameter.

Rating:    Exc++
Item Number:    M-37534
Price:    $69.95 USD

Romanian - Crusade Against Communism Medal Romanian - Crusade Against Communism Medal Romanian - Crusade Against Communism Medal Romanian - Crusade Against Communism Medal Romanian - Crusade Against Communism Medal Romanian - Crusade Against Communism Medal Romanian - Crusade Against Communism Medal Romanian - Crusade Against Communism Medal Romanian - Crusade Against Communism Medal Romanian - Crusade Against Communism Medal

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