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2nd Model Luftwaffe Grip

New old stock. Pre 1945 grips are trylon. These have storage age and small blemishes. They could use a clean. You will have to hand fit this to your tang, drill the grip wire holes and wire these. You get 1 grip, my choice.

Rating:    Exc++
Item Number:    Part-37130
Price:    $99.95 USD

2nd Model Luftwaffe Grip 2nd Model Luftwaffe Grip 2nd Model Luftwaffe Grip 2nd Model Luftwaffe Grip 2nd Model Luftwaffe Grip 2nd Model Luftwaffe Grip 2nd Model Luftwaffe Grip 2nd Model Luftwaffe Grip 2nd Model Luftwaffe Grip 2nd Model Luftwaffe Grip

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