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Transitional Hitler Youth Knife by RZM M7/51 1937

A Transitional Model 1933 Hitlerjugend Fahrtenmesser by RZM M7/51 1937 - Anton Wingen Jr. of Solingen. The ricassoed blade on this one has been sharpened and reshaped. The acid etched “RZM M7/51 1937” maker mark is only barely visible and “Blut und Ehre!” motto is completely gone. The blade has age and pitting, it rates Exc. The original brown leather buffer remains intact. The scabbard is sheet metal based and black enamel painted.It continues to remain dent free. It has two scabbard runners. The black scabbard leather is in excellent condition. It has all of its rivets intact and the snap continues to work well. The hilt is iron-based and nickel-silver plated. It retains 80%+ of its plating. The grip plates are Wingen’s textbook black checkered Kautschuk type and they are in near perfect condition. The small HJ diamond shows retains 99%+ of its enamel.

Rating:    Exc+
Item Number:    HJ-37121
Price:    $649.95 USD

Transitional Hitler Youth Knife by RZM M7/51 1937 Transitional Hitler Youth Knife by RZM M7/51 1937 Transitional Hitler Youth Knife by RZM M7/51 1937 Transitional Hitler Youth Knife by RZM M7/51 1937 Transitional Hitler Youth Knife by RZM M7/51 1937 Transitional Hitler Youth Knife by RZM M7/51 1937 Transitional Hitler Youth Knife by RZM M7/51 1937 Transitional Hitler Youth Knife by RZM M7/51 1937 Transitional Hitler Youth Knife by RZM M7/51 1937 Transitional Hitler Youth Knife by RZM M7/51 1937

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