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K98 Bayonet by cof44

A Mismatched Wehrmacht Bajonett für K98. The K98 Bayonet was designed for the German Wehrmacht standard service Karabiner 98 kurz (7.92x57mm Mauser cartridge) bolt-action rifle. The single edged, single fullered, blued blade on this one has no sharpening and 99% of it's blued finish. It is marked cof44. Grips are chip and crack-free. Blued scabbard marked S.178G is dent-free. No oxidation.

Rating:    Exc+
Item Number:    K98-37088
Price:    $199.95 USD

K98 Bayonet by cof44 K98 Bayonet by cof44 K98 Bayonet by cof44 K98 Bayonet by cof44 K98 Bayonet by cof44 K98 Bayonet by cof44 K98 Bayonet by cof44 K98 Bayonet by cof44 K98 Bayonet by cof44 K98 Bayonet by cof44

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