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Matching - K98 Bayonet by S/178K w Regimental Markings

A Wehrmacht Bajonett fur K98 by Gebr. Heller of Solingen 1934. The blued blade on this one rates Exc+. It's got a couple worn spots where the runners have rested for the past 80 years. The tip come to a sharp point and the fit is perfect! The unsharpened blade is stamped "S/178K" the K code making this 1934 production and "68" which is the regiment. "237 b" which matches the scabbard! The steel, black anodized scabbard is dent-free. It shows heavy wear down to the bare metal. The side screw is intact and unturned. The solid hilt looks great. The dark hardwood grip plates are in beautiful condition! No cracks, splits chips or damage! This piece is inspection stamped everywhere! This one also comes with a broken 4 steel rivet frog. Nice example

Rating:    Exc+/Exc++
Item Number:    K98-37083
Price:    $429.95 USD

Matching - K98 Bayonet by S/178K w Regimental Markings Matching - K98 Bayonet by S/178K w Regimental Markings Matching - K98 Bayonet by S/178K w Regimental Markings Matching - K98 Bayonet by S/178K w Regimental Markings Matching - K98 Bayonet by S/178K w Regimental Markings Matching - K98 Bayonet by S/178K w Regimental Markings Matching - K98 Bayonet by S/178K w Regimental Markings Matching - K98 Bayonet by S/178K w Regimental Markings Matching - K98 Bayonet by S/178K w Regimental Markings Matching - K98 Bayonet by S/178K w Regimental Markings

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