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Etched 2nd Model Luftwaffe Dagger by WKC

M1937 Fliegerdolch für Offiziere by WKC of Solingen. The deep dark etch was a special order and privately purchased by a well-heeled officer. The etched Emil Voos pattern blade on this one is wonderful. The dark etch is crisp, correctly displaying the Luftwaffe eagle flanked by laurel leaf and berry sprigs and a decorative intertwined floral motif. The etched WKC Solingen, “knight's head” maker mark is perfectly executed. The blade on this one rates Exc++. It shows some age towards the tip. The leather buffer pad remains intact. The WKC scabbard is steel based and airplane grey plated. It remains completely dent free. It depicts nice detail throughout, with the random pebbling, oak leaves and acorns. The single throat retaining screw remains intact. The burnished eagle crossguard has crisp detail throughout the eagle’s head, feathers, wings and top side embossed oak leaves and acorns. The steel ferrule displays a nice oak-leaf pattern. The pommel looks excellent with the centered mobile swastika encircled by oak leaves and acorns. The trylon grip is chip and crack-free. It is one tone darker under the portepee as time and UV light has worked its' magic. The springy grip wire remains intact. This piece comes with a worn Luftwaffe portepee. A prized piece for any collector.

Rating:    Exc++
Item Number:    LU-37069
Price:    $3,999.95 USD

Etched 2nd Model Luftwaffe Dagger by WKC Etched 2nd Model Luftwaffe Dagger by WKC Etched 2nd Model Luftwaffe Dagger by WKC Etched 2nd Model Luftwaffe Dagger by WKC Etched 2nd Model Luftwaffe Dagger by WKC Etched 2nd Model Luftwaffe Dagger by WKC Etched 2nd Model Luftwaffe Dagger by WKC Etched 2nd Model Luftwaffe Dagger by WKC Etched 2nd Model Luftwaffe Dagger by WKC Etched 2nd Model Luftwaffe Dagger by WKC

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