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K98 Bayonet by cof 41

A Wehrmacht Bajonett für K98. Decent Unmatched example here that is well worn with an unmarked frog. The cof 41 marked bayonet is mated to a nice undented scabbard unmarked to the obverse. Frog is nice with four steel rivets intact.

Rating:    Exc
Item Number:    K98-36959
Price:    $139.95 USD

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K98 Bayonet by cof 41 K98 Bayonet by cof 41 K98 Bayonet by cof 41 K98 Bayonet by cof 41 K98 Bayonet by cof 41 K98 Bayonet by cof 41 K98 Bayonet by cof 41 K98 Bayonet by cof 41 K98 Bayonet by cof 41 K98 Bayonet by cof 41

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