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Etched - 2nd Model Luftwaffe Dagger

Etched Blade - M1937 Fliegerdolch für Offiziere. The etch was an upgrade privately purchased by a well-heeled officer. The Emil Voos pattern etched blade on this one looks great. The frosted etch is crisp, correctly displaying the Luftwaffe eagle flanked by laurel leaf and berry sprigs and a decorative intertwined floral motif. The blade on this one rates Exc+/Exc++. It shows some plating lifting, oxidization spotting and surface scratches throughout. The brown leather buffer pad remains intact. The scabbard is steel based and nickel-silver plated. It remains completely dent free. It depicts nice detail throughout, with the random pebbling, oak leaves and acorns. The silver-grey finish has faded. The top band has wear inside the hole, from the ring, evidence of being worn a long time. The both headless side throat retaining screw remains intact. The aluminum-alloy based burnished eagle crossguard has crisp detail throughout the eagle’s head, feathers, wings and top side embossed oak leaves and acorns. The steel ferrule displays a nice oak-leaf pattern. The aluminum-alloy pommel looks excellent with the centered faint gold gilt mobile swastika encircled by oak leaves and acorns. The trylon grip looks great. There is minor spotting and a wee crack to the reverse top. The springy aluminum grip wire remains intact. A prized piece for any collector…

Rating:    Exc+/Exc++
Item Number:    LU-36723
Price:    $2,999.95 USD

Etched - 2nd Model Luftwaffe Dagger Etched - 2nd Model Luftwaffe Dagger Etched - 2nd Model Luftwaffe Dagger Etched - 2nd Model Luftwaffe Dagger Etched - 2nd Model Luftwaffe Dagger Etched - 2nd Model Luftwaffe Dagger Etched - 2nd Model Luftwaffe Dagger Etched - 2nd Model Luftwaffe Dagger Etched - 2nd Model Luftwaffe Dagger Etched - 2nd Model Luftwaffe Dagger

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