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Rare Marine NSKK Cap Insignia

Marine-NSKK Mützenabzeichen. Constructed of black wool, the obverse bearing a multi-coloured aluminum wire cockade, set within a gold bullion wire oak leaf wreath, overlaying cross fouled anchors of identical construction, measuring ca 90 mm (w) x 56 mm (h), portion of reverse cloth backing intact, remnants of price tag, an uncommon insignia in better than very fine condition.

Rating:    Exc++
Item Number:    CB-36506
Price:    $499.95 USD

Rare Marine NSKK Cap Insignia Rare Marine NSKK Cap Insignia Rare Marine NSKK Cap Insignia Rare Marine NSKK Cap Insignia Rare Marine NSKK Cap Insignia Rare Marine NSKK Cap Insignia Rare Marine NSKK Cap Insignia Rare Marine NSKK Cap Insignia Rare Marine NSKK Cap Insignia Rare Marine NSKK Cap Insignia

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