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Army Officers Summer Tunic Breast Eagle

A Metall Brustadler für das Heer Sommerjackett. It is constructed out of a die stamped zinc base that has been silver washed. The obverse features a national eagle with outstretched wings clutching a wreathed swastika within its talons. The hollow back reverse features; a soldered-on tombak round plate flatwire catch, soldered-on tombak block hinge, nickel-silver round wire pin and soldered-on tombak flat wire keeper. All of the components remain working well. It measures 3 3/4 inches wide by 1 7/16 inches tall.

Rating:    Exc++
Item Number:    BE-36494
Price:    $124.95 USD

Army Officers Summer Tunic Breast Eagle Army Officers Summer Tunic Breast Eagle Army Officers Summer Tunic Breast Eagle Army Officers Summer Tunic Breast Eagle Army Officers Summer Tunic Breast Eagle Army Officers Summer Tunic Breast Eagle Army Officers Summer Tunic Breast Eagle Army Officers Summer Tunic Breast Eagle Army Officers Summer Tunic Breast Eagle Army Officers Summer Tunic Breast Eagle

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