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Luftwaffe Herman Goering Division EM/NCO Breast Eagle

Luftwaffen Division Hermann Göring Hoheitsabzeichen. It is constructed out of machine embroidered white/grey rayon stitching to a black wool base. The obverse depicts a second pattern Luftwaffe eagle with outstretched wings clutching a mobile swastika in one of its talons. It measures approximately 3 inches wide by 1 5/8 inches high. I have a group of ten here that are in the same unissued condition. I am selling them individually.

Rating:    NM/Mint-
Item Number:    BE-36150
Price:    $124.95 USD

Luftwaffe Herman Goering Division EM/NCO Breast Eagle Luftwaffe Herman Goering Division EM/NCO Breast Eagle Luftwaffe Herman Goering Division EM/NCO Breast Eagle Luftwaffe Herman Goering Division EM/NCO Breast Eagle Luftwaffe Herman Goering Division EM/NCO Breast Eagle Luftwaffe Herman Goering Division EM/NCO Breast Eagle Luftwaffe Herman Goering Division EM/NCO Breast Eagle Luftwaffe Herman Goering Division EM/NCO Breast Eagle Luftwaffe Herman Goering Division EM/NCO Breast Eagle Luftwaffe Herman Goering Division EM/NCO Breast Eagle

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