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Slotted Municipal Police Bayonet by Horster

Municipal - Seitengewehr für Polizei by Horster. The plated blade on this one looks good! It retains a nice and bright mirror like finish along with a perfect fit and sharp factory “Cut-Down” tip. The blade is proof stamped to the spine and numbered not matching the scabbard. It rates a solid Exc++. The black (Municipal) leather on the scabbard body has some scuffs but nothing that a bit of shoe polish wouldn't remove. The stitching is 100% intact. It continues to retain all of its stitching. The nickel-silver based plated scalloped scabbard fittings remain in excellent condition, matching the hilt in color and patina. The scabbard and crossguard stampings are not matching. For you guys who keep asking me to interpret the stampings on your Police bayonets I have created a searchable link for you to reference in our education section. The plating is all intact. The solid plated brass based hilt depicts wonderful burnished detail throughout, with the oak leaves, acorns and highly detailed pommel eagle. The "eye" is the push button for the bayonet slot. The multi-toned stag grip plates are tightly secured with two aluminum rivets. The centrally placed aluminum police eagle is properly pined and retains nice detail

Rating:    Exc+
Item Number:    POL-35940
Price:    $600.00 USD

Slotted Municipal Police Bayonet by Horster Slotted Municipal Police Bayonet by Horster Slotted Municipal Police Bayonet by Horster Slotted Municipal Police Bayonet by Horster Slotted Municipal Police Bayonet by Horster Slotted Municipal Police Bayonet by Horster Slotted Municipal Police Bayonet by Horster Slotted Municipal Police Bayonet by Horster Slotted Municipal Police Bayonet by Horster Slotted Municipal Police Bayonet by Horster

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