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Stag Grip Long Dress Bayonet

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Extra-Seitengewehr 98K mit Seitengewehrtasche. A nice extra cost feature is stag grips! The bright plated 250mm blade. It's in excellent condition with just normal light wear. The blade rates Exc++. The leather buffer pad remains. The black enamel painted dent-free scabbard has some wee scratches and some rub marks from wear. 95% of the original paint remains intact. The original throat retaining screw remains intact and unturned. The scabbard fits the hilt perfectly! The nickel-plated alloy hilt has good plating and a fully functioning mortise button. There is a green wool felt plug in the mortise slot. The ersatz multi-toned grips plates are actually wood that has been burnished to resemble stag. Neat variation we see with later pieces. They are well fit and secured with 2 steel rivets. They are in near perfect condition with no cracks or chips anywhere. Finally finishing this is a luftwaffe portepee that has been on the three rivet frog forever.

Rating:    Exc++
Item Number:    BA-35667

Stag Grip Long Dress Bayonet Stag Grip Long Dress Bayonet Stag Grip Long Dress Bayonet Stag Grip Long Dress Bayonet Stag Grip Long Dress Bayonet Stag Grip Long Dress Bayonet Stag Grip Long Dress Bayonet Stag Grip Long Dress Bayonet Stag Grip Long Dress Bayonet Stag Grip Long Dress Bayonet

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