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Framed Limited Edition JV-44 Squadron of Experts by Taylor

Jagdverband 44 was a German Luftwaffe special operations unit during World War II. It was formed during the last months of World War II to operate the Messerschmitt Me 262 jet fighter. JV-44 Squadron of Experts by Robert Taylor is a large piece measuring 36"x 27"(framed). There is a wrinkle to the top left corner. The print portrays Me262's of JV-44 diving into attack at close to 600 mph. The print is a limited edition and signed by four JV-44 pilots, Adolf Galland. Johannes Steinhoff, Walter Krupinski and Herbert Kaiser.

Rating:    Exc++/NM
Item Number:    P-35598
Price:    $199.95 USD

Framed Limited Edition JV-44 Squadron of Experts by Taylor Framed Limited Edition JV-44 Squadron of Experts by Taylor Framed Limited Edition JV-44 Squadron of Experts by Taylor Framed Limited Edition JV-44 Squadron of Experts by Taylor Framed Limited Edition JV-44 Squadron of Experts by Taylor Framed Limited Edition JV-44 Squadron of Experts by Taylor Framed Limited Edition JV-44 Squadron of Experts by Taylor Framed Limited Edition JV-44 Squadron of Experts by Taylor Framed Limited Edition JV-44 Squadron of Experts by Taylor Framed Limited Edition JV-44 Squadron of Experts by Taylor

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