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2nd Class War Merit Cross without Swords

2. Klasse Kriegsverdienstkreuz ohne Schwerter. The 2nd Class War Merit Cross without Swords was awarded to civilians who performed meritorious service behind the lines. It is constructed out of a die struck zinc base that has been bronze washed. The obverse depicts a pebbled Maltese style cross and a wreathed mobile swastika / “1939” (reverse) to the center. To the top is an integral loop and ring that holds 6 inches of soiled and damaged, black, white and red rayon ribbon. The award measures 1 15/16 inches square and the bronze wash has been absorbed by the zinc..

Rating:    Exc+
Item Number:    M-35434
Price:    $49.95 USD

2nd Class War Merit Cross without Swords 2nd Class War Merit Cross without Swords 2nd Class War Merit Cross without Swords 2nd Class War Merit Cross without Swords 2nd Class War Merit Cross without Swords 2nd Class War Merit Cross without Swords 2nd Class War Merit Cross without Swords 2nd Class War Merit Cross without Swords 2nd Class War Merit Cross without Swords 2nd Class War Merit Cross without Swords

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