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E. Pack 2nd Model Luftwaffe Dagger

A M1937 Fliegerdolch by E. Pack of Solingen. This is a superior example of a 2nd Model Luftwaffe Dagger. The plated blade on this one looks great! The "Siegfried Waffen Ernst Pack & Sohne MBH Waffenfabrik Solingen" maker mark is dark, crisp and beautifully executed! It has a perfect tip and nice fit. The blade on this one rates a NM. The blued pebbled leather buffer pad remains intact. The Pack steel based, nickel-silver plated scabbard looks good, with honest wear. It depicts awesome details throughout, with the random pebbling, oak leaves and acorns. It remains completely dent free and the throat retaining screws remain intact! The aluminum eagle crossguard, steel ferrule and pommel all look awesome! The eagle has good detail to its head, feathers, wings and top side oak leaves and acorns. The pommel is beautifully hand enhanced and wonderfully displays that unique E. Pack specific feature! There are some scratches to the swas's The early trylon grip has aged to a warm orange over time, the obverse being a tone darker that the reverse. The chip and crack-free grip is in good shape with just normal wear! The aluminum springy wire wrap remains tightly intact. Ok, so The grip was a but loose and I removed the pommel to find it has been repaired and rethreaded. The tang has also been brazed. A toolmaker has repaired this and done a great job. It's all tight now and you would never know unless you took this apart. Included is a worn portepee with a few frays. Wonderful matching patina throughout! A great addition to your collection!

Rating:    Exc++
Item Number:    LU-35143
Price:    $999.95 USD

E. Pack 2nd Model Luftwaffe Dagger E. Pack 2nd Model Luftwaffe Dagger E. Pack 2nd Model Luftwaffe Dagger E. Pack 2nd Model Luftwaffe Dagger E. Pack 2nd Model Luftwaffe Dagger E. Pack 2nd Model Luftwaffe Dagger E. Pack 2nd Model Luftwaffe Dagger E. Pack 2nd Model Luftwaffe Dagger E. Pack 2nd Model Luftwaffe Dagger E. Pack 2nd Model Luftwaffe Dagger

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