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Rare - Pilot Observer by Assmann

Aluminum Type 2B - Flugzeugführer und Beobachterabzeichen by Assmann & Sohne of Lüdenscheid. The Pilot / Observer badge was to be awarded to personnel who qualified as both a pilot and observer. It is a two piece die struck aluminum based construction that has been silver washed and gold gilded. Here we have a Luftwaffe Aluminum Pilot Observer Badge by Assmann! It is constructed out of two pieces of die struck, aluminum that have been gold gilded and silver washed. The obverse features a silvered centrally placed massive swooping Luftwaffe eagle with outstretched wings clutching a mobile swastika in its talons. The eagle is the attached at the wings to a golden half laurel leaf and berry, half oak leaf and acorn wreath that is tied together at the bottom. The reverse correctly displays the double “A” (F.W. Assmann & Sohne Lüdenscheid) maker mark and “D.R.G.M” (Deutsches Reichesgebrauchsmuster) mark. It shows the correct barrel hinge, round wire catch, pin and two rivets. The obverse displays beautiful details throughout the eagle and wreath. See page 56 of Sebastien Talbot's recommended reference. A nice aluminum example!

Rating:    NM
Item Number:    M-34886
Price:    $5,999.95 USD

Rare - Pilot Observer by Assmann Rare - Pilot Observer by Assmann Rare - Pilot Observer by Assmann Rare - Pilot Observer by Assmann Rare - Pilot Observer by Assmann Rare - Pilot Observer by Assmann Rare - Pilot Observer by Assmann Rare - Pilot Observer by Assmann Rare - Pilot Observer by Assmann Rare - Pilot Observer by Assmann

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