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Inert Glassminen and Schu-mine 42 Shoe box mine

Glassminen complete with original parts other than the clay explosive, sticks and thin plexiglass to replace fragile shear plate. The glass exterior was painted post war as they made flower pots out of them. Hand painted and part of the history of it, so I left it as I got it. Schu-mine 42 Shoe box mine, lots of stories don’t add to value, but this is cased in a bumpy black paint. I was told this was late war, and it was covered in uranium paint so that the Germans could locate the mines at the end of the war.

  • These are deactivated and inert.

  • Rating:    Exc++
    Item Number:    FG-34244
    Price:    $399.95 USD

    Inert Glassminen and Schu-mine 42 Shoe box mine Inert Glassminen and Schu-mine 42 Shoe box mine Inert Glassminen and Schu-mine 42 Shoe box mine Inert Glassminen and Schu-mine 42 Shoe box mine Inert Glassminen and Schu-mine 42 Shoe box mine Inert Glassminen and Schu-mine 42 Shoe box mine Inert Glassminen and Schu-mine 42 Shoe box mine Inert Glassminen and Schu-mine 42 Shoe box mine Inert Glassminen and Schu-mine 42 Shoe box mine Inert Glassminen and Schu-mine 42 Shoe box mine

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