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2nd Model Luftwaffe Dagger

A M1937 Fliegerdolch. The unmarked blade on this one has some age. It's been cleaned but some crossgrain remains. Certainly Exc+. As with many Generic daggers this employs WKC fittings. The dent-free airplane gray scabbard shows excellent detail and nice finish. The throat is secured by an unturned screw. The crossguard and pommel are have nice burnish matching the scabbard. This really sets off the celluloid grip. The chip and crack-free grip shows some stain, almost looks like ivory.

Rating:    Exc+
Item Number:    LU-34202
Price:    $949.95 USD

2nd Model Luftwaffe Dagger 2nd Model Luftwaffe Dagger 2nd Model Luftwaffe Dagger 2nd Model Luftwaffe Dagger 2nd Model Luftwaffe Dagger 2nd Model Luftwaffe Dagger 2nd Model Luftwaffe Dagger 2nd Model Luftwaffe Dagger 2nd Model Luftwaffe Dagger 2nd Model Luftwaffe Dagger

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