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Zeppelin Weltfahrten Book 1

(Zeppelin World Voyages Book I) Volume I. First edition. Cigarette card album of 1932 Airship Graf Zeppellin LZ-127 world tour. Includes flights to America, Moscow and numerous other destinations. The history, construction and operation of German Zeppelins from 1899 to 1933 and the various Graf Zeppelin journeys around the world. 265 mounted b&w photographs including aerial photographs and a silver-foil reproduction of Weltfflug-Gedenkmünze (world flight commemorative coin - Bild Nr. 177) + a frontispiece portrait of Ferdinand Graf (Count) von Zeppelin. Includes color maps, diagrams, and technical line drawings. Text and captions in German. 34x24 cm.

Rating:    Exc++
Item Number:    Book-33457
Price:    $129.95 USD

Zeppelin Weltfahrten Book 1 Zeppelin Weltfahrten Book 1 Zeppelin Weltfahrten Book 1 Zeppelin Weltfahrten Book 1 Zeppelin Weltfahrten Book 1 Zeppelin Weltfahrten Book 1 Zeppelin Weltfahrten Book 1 Zeppelin Weltfahrten Book 1 Zeppelin Weltfahrten Book 1 Zeppelin Weltfahrten Book 1

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