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Gold 2nd Class Ostvolk Medal without Swords

A Tapferkeits und Verdienst Auszeichnung für Ostvölker 2. Klasse in Gold. The 2nd Class Ostvolk Medal was awarded for bravery to military and paramilitary personnel from the former Soviet Union. It is constructed out of a die struck, zinc base that has been gold gilded. The obverse depicts a centrally placed plant/flower that is surrounded by a laurel leaf wreath that is encircled by a rope pattern and an eight pointed sunburst pattern. The reverse shows a semi-hollow back. To the top of the badge is an integral loop and ring which holds approximately 4 inches of folded green and red ribbed rayon ribbon. 95%+ of the gold gilded remains intact. It measures approximately 1 1/2 inches wide and tall. A great piece!

Rating:    Exc+
Item Number:    M-32976
Price:    $129.95 USD

Gold 2nd Class Ostvolk Medal without Swords Gold 2nd Class Ostvolk Medal without Swords Gold 2nd Class Ostvolk Medal without Swords Gold 2nd Class Ostvolk Medal without Swords Gold 2nd Class Ostvolk Medal without Swords Gold 2nd Class Ostvolk Medal without Swords Gold 2nd Class Ostvolk Medal without Swords Gold 2nd Class Ostvolk Medal without Swords Gold 2nd Class Ostvolk Medal without Swords Gold 2nd Class Ostvolk Medal without Swords

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