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1st Class War Merit Cross with swords by L/21

A private purchase Kriegsverdienstkreuz 1. Klasse mit Schwertern by L/21 - Foerster & Barth of Pforzheim. The 1st Class War Merit Cross with Swords was awarded to military personnel for meritorious service above and beyond the call of duty (which needed not occur while facing the enemy). The award is constructed out of a die struck zinc base that has been silver washed and lacquered. The obverse depicts a centrally placed mobile swastika that is surrounded by an oak leaf wreath, which is tied together at the top and bottom, and is above a pebbled Maltese style cross that has two crossed broad swords coming out of its corners. The right arm has a wee bend to the tip. The full back reverse is maker marked on the nickel-silver coke bottle pin: “L/21”. It also has a catch and hinge. It measures 1 15/16 inches wide and tall. This suffers loss of finish.

Rating:    Exc+
Item Number:    M-32957
Price:    $149.95 USD

1st Class War Merit Cross with swords by L/21 1st Class War Merit Cross with swords by L/21 1st Class War Merit Cross with swords by L/21 1st Class War Merit Cross with swords by L/21 1st Class War Merit Cross with swords by L/21 1st Class War Merit Cross with swords by L/21 1st Class War Merit Cross with swords by L/21 1st Class War Merit Cross with swords by L/21 1st Class War Merit Cross with swords by L/21 1st Class War Merit Cross with swords by L/21

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