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French Mle. 1874 Gras T-Back Bayonet

Here we have a French Mle. 1874 Gras T-back bayonet. This bayonet was designed for use on the Fusil Gras mle 1874 rifle. The 20 1/2 inch blade is bright good condition. There are some stains towards the tip. The tip and fit are both perfect. It shows age grey/spotting and some surface scratches throughout. The engraving to the back is beautifully executed reading. The steel based black anodized scabbard is in excellent condition. It remains dent free, is stamped "19234" and sits tightly against the crossguard. The ball is stamped as well. The steel crossguard/quillion is proofed marked and stamped "55596". The hilt has riveted wood grips which have some bumps and wear. The pommel is made of brass and has a well-working press-catch locking mechanism. The whole thing is profusely inspection stamped.

Rating:    Exc+
Item Number:    BA-32390
Price:    $129.95 USD

French Mle. 1874 Gras T-Back Bayonet French Mle. 1874 Gras T-Back Bayonet French Mle. 1874 Gras T-Back Bayonet French Mle. 1874 Gras T-Back Bayonet French Mle. 1874 Gras T-Back Bayonet French Mle. 1874 Gras T-Back Bayonet French Mle. 1874 Gras T-Back Bayonet French Mle. 1874 Gras T-Back Bayonet French Mle. 1874 Gras T-Back Bayonet French Mle. 1874 Gras T-Back Bayonet

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