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United States - Marine/Special Forces 225Q Commando Knife

United States, WWII – U.S. Marine / Special Forces 225Q (RH 36) Commando Knife by the Cattaraugus Cutlery Company of Little Valley, New York. The 6-inch, fullered, singed edged, bowie style blade on this one is beautiful with a mirror like polished finish. It is nicely maker and model marked to the obverse: “Cattaraugs 225Q”. The three-piece tanned brown leather sheath is in excellent shape. All of its stitching and rivets remain intact. The snap remains working well and its strap shows only minimal crazing and a white paint mark. The throat-edge of the sheath has been cut about 1cm beside the one rivet. Minor pressure marks throughout. The obverse is personalized reading: “MEL”. The hilt is made out of as cast iron crossguard (slightest wiggle), a leather washer grip, with wood spacers ending at a three piece round pommel top. The fittings are polished. The very-top features two rivets and the rectangular tang. A very nice piece.

Rating:    Exc++/NM
Item Number:    D-32219
Price:    $349.95 USD

United States - Marine/Special Forces 225Q Commando Knife United States - Marine/Special Forces 225Q Commando Knife United States - Marine/Special Forces 225Q Commando Knife United States - Marine/Special Forces 225Q Commando Knife United States - Marine/Special Forces 225Q Commando Knife United States - Marine/Special Forces 225Q Commando Knife United States - Marine/Special Forces 225Q Commando Knife United States - Marine/Special Forces 225Q Commando Knife United States - Marine/Special Forces 225Q Commando Knife United States - Marine/Special Forces 225Q Commando Knife

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