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Landesschützen Kompanie - Photo Album

Fotoalbum der Landesschützen Kompanie. The Landesschützen took over the role that had been assigned to Landwehr and Landsturm units when the Wehrmacht was being built up. I believe this album belonged to a Oblt. Steiner. He along with a Lt. Kumnig, Bohr (1939) and Fldw. Woldrich (1940) are named in the initial photos. The album features their guard groups, From Nov. 1939 to March 13, 1940, in Steinberg and Oberstein, along with many the bridges, tunnels and architecture they likely care for. It measures 6 7/8 wide by 8 3/4 tall.

Rating:    NM
Item Number:    Book-32136
Price:    $74.95 USD

Landesschützen Kompanie - Photo Album Landesschützen Kompanie - Photo Album Landesschützen Kompanie - Photo Album Landesschützen Kompanie - Photo Album Landesschützen Kompanie - Photo Album Landesschützen Kompanie - Photo Album Landesschützen Kompanie - Photo Album Landesschützen Kompanie - Photo Album Landesschützen Kompanie - Photo Album Landesschützen Kompanie - Photo Album

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