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“Die Rreichswehr” Cigarette Album 1933

Sammelalbum - “Die Rreichswehr Hadank” 1933. Issued by the cigarette factory Haus Neuerburg GMBH Koln. Complete with 280 colored photographs The outside cover shows age bending and scuffs throughout. Pressed cardstock cover with gold and silver foil eagle on black shield. It measures 1 ½ inches wide by 12 ¼ inches tall by 7/8 of an inch thick. An early cigarette album of "Die Rreichswehr" you are sure to be happy with!

Rating:    Exc++/NM
Item Number:    Book-32119
Price:    $89.95 USD

“Die Rreichswehr” Cigarette Album 1933 “Die Rreichswehr” Cigarette Album 1933 “Die Rreichswehr” Cigarette Album 1933 “Die Rreichswehr” Cigarette Album 1933 “Die Rreichswehr” Cigarette Album 1933 “Die Rreichswehr” Cigarette Album 1933 “Die Rreichswehr” Cigarette Album 1933 “Die Rreichswehr” Cigarette Album 1933 “Die Rreichswehr” Cigarette Album 1933 “Die Rreichswehr” Cigarette Album 1933

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