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General Assault Badge

Allgemeines Sturmabzeichen. Instituted June 1, 1940, the General Assault Badge was awarded to Army, Waffen-SS and Ordnungspolizei personnel who supported an infantry attack in three separate assaults but did not qualify for the Infantry Assault Badge. It is constructed out of a die stamped zinc base that has been silver washed. The obverse depicts a closed winged eagle, clutching a mobile swastika within its talons, above a crossed model 24 grenade and K98 bayonet. This is then all surrounded by an oak leaf and acorn wreath. The full back reverse features a crimped/soldered-on sheet metal hinge, glued-on round wire catch (likely post-war) and round wire pin. This is a Biedermann, specifically type 1.27.2 as shown in Heukemes’ book (pp 296-297). The most atypical thing about it is those striations at an angle on the reverse. Apart from those, it matches up with the 1.27.2 The inner aspect of the oak leaves are key to identifying its maker. All of the components remain in well working condition. It measures 2 1/16 inches tall by 11/16 inches wide.

Rating:    Exc++
Item Number:    M-31625
Price:    $149.95 USD

General Assault Badge General Assault Badge General Assault Badge General Assault Badge General Assault Badge General Assault Badge General Assault Badge General Assault Badge General Assault Badge General Assault Badge

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