Price Guide: Orders and Decorations Germany, 1871-1945 (Bewertungs-Katalog: Orden und Ehrenzeichen Deutschland; Second Edition) Hardcover. Niemann, Detlev. 2004. After four years of concentrated work, the second edition of this Price Guide is now in print. This second edition has more than double the number of photos, and the new larger format has resulted in a vast improvement in the quality of the detailed pictures of both obverse and reverse views. The main purpose of this Price Guide is to satisfy all collectors; beginner and advanced. It is a reference for prices as well as on the differences between the various orders, decorations, award documents, award cases of issue, and miniatures. No fantasy pieces are included, or projected orders which were never realized. This Price Guide is grouped into contemporary topics. Each topic is consecutively numbered, e.g. 07. Each specific subject within the topic is then consecutively numbered, e.g. 07.01. Finally the individual orders and decorations within the subject are once again consecutively numbered, e.g. 07.01.01. The orders and decorations are individually described by characteristics, types, document, case of issue, miniature and where relevant by additional comments from the author. If e.g. 'Miniature' is not listed, it indicates that at the present time, either it is known that no original examples were produced, or that no production is known at this time, or that only fakes are known. This applies for all items. The valuations are based on accepted average pieces. Condition, material, manufacturers quality and of course rarity also influence the value. Prices also differ due to variations in regional and international demand. An LP (Liebhaberpreis) indicated against the price means that the piece rarely appear for sale and so an average price cannot be determined and such rare pieces will fetch whatever the purchaser is prepared to pay. Only a fraction of the total range of existing award documents are included, due to the large range of variances in style of printing, and other criteria such as the awarding authority, nationality of the recipient, signatures, units, etc. Miniatures are extremely difficult to price, as these are not so fervently collected. I have only taken these miniatures which are known to me as unquestionable originals. In any case, miniature do not exist for all decorations. Cases and packets of issue are described and priced as far as is possible. The author's remarks are intended as brief, background information where, due to lack of space, it is not possible to write detailed specialized articles. Lastly, the book is FULLY bi-lingual, German and English. Every word has been reproduced in both German and English. This has been used. The cover has tape on it and it's all intact with no loose pages.
Rating: | Exc/Exc+ |
Item Number: | Book-31208 |
Price: | $69.95 USD |
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