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French - Heavy Cavalry 1822 pattern

A French Heavy Calvary Sword 1822 pattern by the Châtellerault Weapons Factory in June 1851. 36.50" single-edged blade, 1.240" at widest, .440" at thickest, double edged last 4". Broad fuller each side, from ricasso halfway to about 6" of point. Narrow fuller starting 7" from hilt and running nearly to end of broad fuller. Back of blade engraved, in script: "Manufre Rle de Chatellerault Juni 1851" (Maunfacture Royal de Chatellerault June 1851), the 5 looks more like a 1 than any other number. Leather throat washer. Brass hilt consisting of: integral guiard and knuckle bow with 2 branches. Underside of guard with lip all around. Phyrigian pommel cap. Leather covered, spirally grooved wooded grip. K-bow stamped with 2 inspector's marks, letters in circles (one is an S, other illegible), and "158", "C" and "03". Top of pommel stamped with an "S". One piece steel scabbard, one band with hanging ring. Throat piece with springs to hold blade, secured by 2 rivets. Stamped below 1 rivet are 2 inspector's marks, one is a "3", other illegible. Band stamped "2196". Drag has been removed. Blade is medium gray to dark brown. 2 sm spots of pitting, some crusty patches. Brass of hilt with medium to dark patina, usual surface dings, scratches. About 80% of grip leather present, slightly pulled away 1 side. 5 strands of twisted brass wire present, last strand broken. There is a thin plastic/impregnated paper covering on the grip that someone added I assume to maintain the wire. Scabbard is overall dark brownish red, except for lip of throat and seam. Missing drag leaves opening in tip of scabbard and shows brass solder. French Heavy Cavalry 1822 pattern sword, known as the "Bancal" saw action in the Napoleonic wars. Features a curved 35 ¾ inch long bright blade with broad and narrow fullers. Black leather grip with twisted wire wrap, brass pommel and Three bar hilt molded in one piece for extra strength. Brass hilt including a main branch with two lateral branches converging on the bare arch joint, short-tailed pommel cap . Shell guard ending like a "beak" without a quillon. Leather buffer pad remains. A steel scabbard with age patina and oxidizing. There is no drag guard.

Rating:    Exc/Exc+
Item Number:    SW-31163
Price:    $499.95 USD

French - Heavy Cavalry 1822 pattern French - Heavy Cavalry 1822 pattern French - Heavy Cavalry 1822 pattern French - Heavy Cavalry 1822 pattern French - Heavy Cavalry 1822 pattern French - Heavy Cavalry 1822 pattern French - Heavy Cavalry 1822 pattern French - Heavy Cavalry 1822 pattern French - Heavy Cavalry 1822 pattern French - Heavy Cavalry 1822 pattern

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