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KRIEGSFLUGZEUGE German guide to Military Aircraft

This is a good original example of the very heavily illustrated 4 x 5-3/4 inch, 168 page softcover book Kriegsflugzeuge (War Planes) as published in 1942 by Hermann Göring’s Luftfahrtministerium (State Air Ministry). The Third Reich pocket-size book has a full-color cover. Inside, there is a general review of war plane types, bombs, torpedoes, and the markings that distinguish German and foreign aircraft. That information is followed by a 16 page section on German warplanes and separate sections on Italian, British-American and Soviet airplanes. The aircraft in the book are shown in photographic views with performance data, followed by 3-view silhouettes. This mid-war edition includes late model aircraft like the Martin Baltimore A-30, Boeing B-17 E and F, Douglas DC-4 Skymaster and the Russian DB-3F. A fine pocket book that could be found during World War II in the uniform pockets of a great many Hitler Youth boys, BdM girls, Wehrmacht soldiers, sailors and airmen, as well as civilians. There are a few pages missing from the front.

Rating:    Exc
Item Number:    Book-30886
Price:    $49.95 USD

KRIEGSFLUGZEUGE German guide to Military Aircraft KRIEGSFLUGZEUGE German guide to Military Aircraft KRIEGSFLUGZEUGE German guide to Military Aircraft KRIEGSFLUGZEUGE German guide to Military Aircraft KRIEGSFLUGZEUGE German guide to Military Aircraft KRIEGSFLUGZEUGE German guide to Military Aircraft KRIEGSFLUGZEUGE German guide to Military Aircraft KRIEGSFLUGZEUGE German guide to Military Aircraft KRIEGSFLUGZEUGE German guide to Military Aircraft KRIEGSFLUGZEUGE German guide to Military Aircraft

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