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Gee Ma someone landed a Stuka in the yard! Photo

Approx 90x55mm. Pls note if you choose free shipping on these low value items, they are shipped in a 1st class envelope with a stamp at your risk of loss. If you can not afford the risk we respectfully ask you upgrade your shipping.

Rating:    Exc
Item Number:    P-30786
Price:    $29.95 USD

Gee Ma someone landed a Stuka in the yard! Photo Gee Ma someone landed a Stuka in the yard! Photo Gee Ma someone landed a Stuka in the yard! Photo Gee Ma someone landed a Stuka in the yard! Photo Gee Ma someone landed a Stuka in the yard! Photo Gee Ma someone landed a Stuka in the yard! Photo Gee Ma someone landed a Stuka in the yard! Photo Gee Ma someone landed a Stuka in the yard! Photo Gee Ma someone landed a Stuka in the yard! Photo Gee Ma someone landed a Stuka in the yard! Photo

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