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HJ Deutche Heimschule Cufftitle

These were residential and day-schools whose purpose was to ensure that those children whose fathers were at the front, working abroad or who had died in battle would receive a formal education in line with NSDAP ideology and policy. Other children included into the program were those from repatriating families. Cotton thread on wool.

Rating:    Mint-
Item Number:    CT-30687
Price:    $1,199.95 USD

HJ Deutche Heimschule Cufftitle HJ Deutche Heimschule Cufftitle HJ Deutche Heimschule Cufftitle HJ Deutche Heimschule Cufftitle HJ Deutche Heimschule Cufftitle HJ Deutche Heimschule Cufftitle HJ Deutche Heimschule Cufftitle HJ Deutche Heimschule Cufftitle HJ Deutche Heimschule Cufftitle HJ Deutche Heimschule Cufftitle

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