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French Combatants Cross

Croix du combattant. Instituted December 19, 1926, the Combatants Cross recognized those who fought in combat for France. It is constructed out of a die cast bronze medal base. The obverse features a pattée style cross, with a laurel leaf and berry wreath inside the arms, and a centrally placed effigy of a youthful Minerva goddess wearing an Adrian's helmet crowned with laurel leaves surrounded by the relief inscription “Republique Francaise”. The reverse features a radiant downward pointing sword reading: “Croix du Combattant” on that same cross and wreath. It is also maker marked and reads: “BR” (bronze) to the lower arm. The top features a loop and ring which holds 4 inches of rayon/cotton blue and red striped ribbon. It measures 1 7/16 inches wide and tall.

Rating:    Exc++/NM
Item Number:    M-30409
Price:    $29.95 USD

French Combatants Cross French Combatants Cross French Combatants Cross French Combatants Cross French Combatants Cross French Combatants Cross French Combatants Cross French Combatants Cross French Combatants Cross French Combatants Cross

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