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SS Armband by RZM 156/36 SS

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An Allgemeine-SS/SS-VT Armbinde für den Dienstrock by RZM 156/36 SS. The SS armband was worn on the upper left sleeve of the black service dress and the early field-grey uniforms. It is constructed out of machine embroidered black and white rayon stitched to a red wool cotton backing. The rectangular shaped obverse features a centrally placed black mobile swastika (folded two-piece) stitched to a white roundel that is bordered by two stitched on black strips that are all above a red wool base. The top and bottom have been folded over and stitched together. The back has been stitched together to size. The interior has a black rayon and white cotton stitched on “RZM 156/36 SS” tag. There is minor thinning throughout, a bit of soil and the odd spot. It measures 8 inches wide by 4 3/4 inches tall. A nice, tagged SS armband!

Rating:    Exc++
Item Number:    AB-30053

SS Armband by RZM 156/36 SS SS Armband by RZM 156/36 SS SS Armband by RZM 156/36 SS SS Armband by RZM 156/36 SS SS Armband by RZM 156/36 SS SS Armband by RZM 156/36 SS SS Armband by RZM 156/36 SS SS Armband by RZM 156/36 SS SS Armband by RZM 156/36 SS SS Armband by RZM 156/36 SS

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