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Oympia fest der schenheit

Annotation to the Film Olympia Part Two: Festival of Beauty (1936). von Leni Riefenstahl Approx. 11.5"x 8.75" 8-5/8 x 11 inch, 8-page heavily illustrated promotional brochures for part two, Olympia - Fest der Schönheit (The Olympics - Festival of Beauty), produced by internationally acclaimed film genius Leni Riefenstahl during the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin and elsewhere in northern Germany. Often blasted by hate groups and the uninformed as a "Nazi propaganda film", any knowledgeable film historian would likely list Olympia as one of the ten most important and influential movies of all time. Riefenstahl and her staff invented many cinematic, sound and camera techniques specifically for this movie. It bore no relationship to anything that had come before it and set a new standard by which all sport documentaries and general documentaries are still judged today

Rating:    Exc++
Item Number:    Doc-29658
Price:    $50.96 $59.95 USD

Oympia fest der schenheit Oympia fest der schenheit Oympia fest der schenheit Oympia fest der schenheit Oympia fest der schenheit Oympia fest der schenheit Oympia fest der schenheit Oympia fest der schenheit Oympia fest der schenheit Oympia fest der schenheit

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