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RFV Customs KS98 Bayonet by Eickhorn

Extra-Seitengewehr für ReichsFinanzVerwaltung (RFV) Zollschutz NCP/Offziere. The "Original Eickhorn Solingen" marked plated blade on this one is minty. The leather buffer pad remains intact. The steel based, black enamel scabbard retains 99% of its' factory paint with a bit of crazing. It remains completely dent free! The nickel plated hilt is in good condition, with 99% plating still intact and sporting some small marks from wear. This piece also has two perfect diamond grip plates that are nicely fit without any damage and are secured by 2 untouched steel rivets. The bayonet is property marked to the "R.F.V." on the reverse guard. No cracks or chips anywhere. Finishing this is a well worn K98 frog.

Rating:    Exc++
Item Number:    BA-29440
Price:    $629.95 USD

RFV Customs KS98 Bayonet  by Eickhorn RFV Customs KS98 Bayonet  by Eickhorn RFV Customs KS98 Bayonet  by Eickhorn RFV Customs KS98 Bayonet  by Eickhorn RFV Customs KS98 Bayonet  by Eickhorn RFV Customs KS98 Bayonet  by Eickhorn RFV Customs KS98 Bayonet  by Eickhorn RFV Customs KS98 Bayonet  by Eickhorn RFV Customs KS98 Bayonet  by Eickhorn RFV Customs KS98 Bayonet  by Eickhorn

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